Algorithm and Data structure (Lecture # 3)


6)     Searching:
Searching means finding of an element or location of an element in a data list or data bubble.
-         Searching is usually performed using unique key values
e.g; A student registration number of his/her makes him/her unique one.
-         If element to be searched found in the desired list then we say “search successful” otherwise we say search is “Unsuccessful”
-         Most popular search methods are:
o   Sequential search/Linear search
o   Binary search
7)     Sorting:
Re-arranging the elements of a data list or data bubble
-         The Re-arranging of Re-Ordering can be in ascending order or descending order
-         Most of the sorting techniques are designed by mathematical because actually sorting is a mathematical task.
-         Then these techniques are converted to proper computing algorithm by computer scientists.
-         Some popular sorting methods are direct/straight/selection sort.
-         Insertion sort
-         Quick sort
-         Bubble sort
-         Marge sort
8)     Merging:
Combining two or more sub lists into a computer or major list
While merging there shouldn’t be any effect on total number of element of both sub-list

9)     Splitting:
Dividing a composite list into two or more sub-list is called splitting
While splitting this shouldn’t be any effect on total numbers of elements from composite list

Getting a duplicate by means of copying elements of a list in newer list
e.g; for(i=0;i<=5;i++)
A[1]+A[3]= 143

11)      Counting:
Finding the total number of elements in a list is called counting.


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